Clinical Sciences Building – Walsgrave – Tuesday 11th September 2012
The user-group is upon us once again. The agenda is below. I’ve not set aside specific times for any of the following. They’re really just bullet points of the things we’d like to talk about.
1. New Users Since the last Meeting
We’ve grown a lot since last year, and as well as new customers, we also have half a dozen sites who are currently in the process of switching to e-Quip. I’ll update you all on the current situation.
2. Show-and-tell of Version 2 Developments
It seems a long time since we released version 2.0.0 (18th March 2012), and we are just about to release 2.4.0, but just in case you haven’t found all of the new features yet I will show you the key changes. I’ll also go back to the agenda of the last user-group to compare what we said we wanted to do with what we actually did.
3. Feedback from the SIGS
We had two Special Interest Group meetings this year, and as a direct result of these we were able to design and implement the new KPI’s. The north/south split seemed to work well as it’s quite important to keep the SIG’s small and focussed.
I would like to arrange SIG meetings soon for planned maintenance, but maybe you have ideas for other SIG’s.
4. What’s Coming Next
a. The KPI’s are finished and will be released (with version 2.4.0) in the next few days. I will go through these and explain how they work.
b. Our next development project is to implement the Harland & Simon RFID system integration. We plan to preview this at the Biomed conference in October. I will explain what it does, how it works, and talk a little about how Addenbrooke’s will make use of this for their loan library.
c. What should we do after that?
We have a few ideas and there have also been some suggestions from users.
A configurable dashboard – I plan to use the domain screen for this.
At the moment the Rigel 288 interface (optionally) creates jobs, but it might be more useful if it could search for existing jobs and close them.
Link the KPI’s to the new SLA fields
Most importantly we would also welcome your suggestions.
5. NHSLA Device User Competence
We’ve had this for ages but as far as I know, nobody is using it. We’d quite like to know why, and how are hospitals handling this? An important outstanding question is how can we handle the enormous amount of data that needs to be entered and kept up-to-date? Whose job is the data entry: ward managers, trainers, someone else? How appropriate is the e-Quip solution? Can it be improved?
6. The Web Site & Block
Does anyone use them? If so, do you find them useful?
7. Your Feedback
it would be really useful to hear from you about things you like/dislike about e-Quip, any problems you may be having etc.