What’s New in Version 2.5.0

Summary Version 2.5.0 sees the introduction of RFID support with an interface to the Harland Simon Discovery (c) RFID equipment tracking system. Not only does e-Quip now interface seamlessly with Discovery© to provide accurate device location information, but we have...

What’s New in Version 2.6.0

1. New Functionality – Base Filters at User, Group & Role Level for all Screens A base filter is a filter which cannot be deleted or overridden by the user which is intended to restrict the data that users can see. Note that users cannnot see or edit base...

Base Filters – A Great New Feature!

What is a Base Filter? A base filter is a normal filter (it has to be saved as shared) that is applied automatically by e-Quip in addition to any filter that the user sets. Users can’t see base filters, and they cannot override them. Base filters are created and...

Location-Specific PPM Schedules

New in 2.6.0 A useful new feature is arriving in version 2.6.0 which allows you to specify a PPM Schedule for a location. This is used in conjunction with the Maintenance Week field (which has been there for quite a while) to automatically link new devices to a...